Faith Lived Close to the Land

My dad eased his pickup truck along the rolling sidehill, tracing the curves in the rows of hay stretching before us, the steering wheel wandering beneath his hand. The afternoon sun was high and warm. We could have fallen asleep beneath its affectionate glow, were it an afternoon lazy enough to let our family rest. Read more…

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Emptying the Nest in Hope, not Fear

If you’re in the midst of launching a child into adulthood, preparing them to keep the faith as they grow up, you’ve probably already begun to train them in apologetics. It might not be formal apologetics, though that’s what comes to mind for me: debates, arguments, refuting other people’s beliefs point by point. That kind Read more…

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Shielded from Truth at Our Own Expense

Around my sophomore year of college, I approached my African American History professor, Dennis C. Dickerson, to inquire about my performance. Honestly, I was fishing for a compliment. I spoke frequently in class and expected his praise. And since he was one of a limited number of Black professors on campus, I thought he’d flatter me Read more…

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God at the Bottom of the Glass

As a child I had no formal religious training. My parents were not opposed to faith, but they did not find it particularly relevant to daily life.  At age five, I was sent to a local Episcopal church to sing in the boys’ choir so that I could learn music. I learned to love the Read more…

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Unclench Your Fist

Questions about the place of Christianity and the posture of Christians in a pluralistic society have never been merely theoretical for me. They have always been very personal. I was first drawn to the Christian faith as a child in London. Both the city and the school I attended there were marked by profound religious, Read more…

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