The Church Can Help End The Phone-Based Childhood

As American kids head back to school this fall, many will do so with smartphones in hand. The average age at which American kids receive their first phone is just 11, and most public schools only ban nonacademic classroom phone use—and struggle to enforce even that. We know this is a problem. Research from academics like Jonathan Haidt and Read more…

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Worship Together or Bowl Alone

From wherever you’re sitting, this likely feels like a low point for the church in America. (Elsewhere it’s a different matter.)  Some of our neighbors see the church as an agent of reaction, pressing the brakes on every major movement for progress since the country’s founding. Others believe the church is a wolf in the Read more…

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Public School Can Be a Training Ground for Faith

Depending on your circles, mentioning “public school” may elicit strong reactions. Many Christians in America avidly allege its degeneracy, while many others fiercely defend its merits. And although this debate isn’t new, it has come back to the foreground of our public life in recent years. Last month, for example, a video went around in Read more…

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How to Find Common Ground When You Disagree About the Common Good

How do Christians live faithfully and as good neighbors in a world we don’t control? In 2020, Tim Keller and I coedited a book titled Uncommon Ground. Our project convened a group of evangelical and evangelical-adjacent friends to reflect—as the subtitle said—on how Christians can live faithfully in a world of difference. Since then, however, I’ve rephrased Read more…

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Christian Formation for the ‘Toolbelt Generation’

I always assumed my sons would go to college. My husband and I were indelibly formed by our own college years of deep reading, endless discussion, and applying what we’d learned in the classroom to our faith and the world. University life helped us grow toward being “as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as Read more…

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 appeared first on Christianity Today.

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