The Fault in Our Norms

How do you decide what should be normal in a secularized, fragmented society?
The destruction of America’s political norms.” “Don’t normalize that.” “This is not normal!” “Why can’t you just be …

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The Cross Is Poetically Profound. But Prose Can Help Us See It Clearly.

Brian Zahnd’s meditation on cruciformity is theologically rich, but sometimes theologically risky.
It would be natural to assume that Brian Zahnd, most recently the author of The Wood Between the Worlds: A Poetic Theology of the Cross, is a megachu…

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The Case for a Journalism Tithe

Not a literal 10 percent—but the long Christian tradition of patronage of truth-seeking writers and artists is worth preserving.
American journalism experienced a minor apocalypse in January.
The Los Angeles Times laid off more than 20 perce…

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The Trump Debate Is Dead

Evangelical elites of all political stripes still dispute Trump, but the question is largely settled at the grassroots.
Next week’s Iowa Republican caucuses formally launch the 2024 primary race that will almost certainly end with a third GOP…

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Journalists Won’t Earn Back Trust by Claiming a Monopoly on Truth

Margaret Sullivan’s “reality-based” approach to journalism overlooks the reality of legitimate division in American society.
Veteran journalist Margaret Sullivan’s Newsroom Confidential: Lessons (and Worries) from an Ink-Stained Life first ap…

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