Everything that’s wrong with Everything Everything

 “It’s tempting to drop Everything Everything once you’ve begun . . . it’s hard not to be consumed by this tale of doomed love.” – The Times, London As a teenage…

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The Shack and Its New Age Leaven

By Warren Smith. First published on Herescope by Discernment Research Group. “A little leaven leaventh the whole lump.” Galatians 5:9 The Shack is being described as a “Christian” novel and is currently…

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The real cost of free mobile games

Candy Crush, Farmville, Plants vs Zombies, Clash of Clans and Farm Heroes Saga. I think we probably all played at least one video game in our lives, and more likely…

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New adult Muppets reflect today’s world and near future

“Did you read the article in the Metro (Dutch free newspaper) this morning?”, my mother texted me last Friday. “It’s about the Muppets, apparently mothers are upset about it because…

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Nickelodeon, MTV and Comedy Central: the babysitters unite

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 Satan knows the Bible and he knows it…

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