Pro-Life Dispute Leaves Program for HIV/AIDS Patients in Peril

A negative score from groups accusing PEPFAR of supporting abortion threatens the program’s five-year renewal.
The President’s Emergency Plan for Aids Relief, or PEPFAR, has been a uniquely successful bipartisan effort, saving 25 million live…

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What Anti-Trafficking Experts Think of the Hit Movie ‘Sound of Freedom’

Ministries and former law enforcement have some caveats to add to the film about Operation Underground Railroad’s Tim Ballard.
In a field crowded with franchises like Indiana Jones, the unexpected box office success of the summer is a movie about c…

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The Young Christian Who Took Johnson & Johnson to Court

Hanna Wilt testified to God’s presence in a terminal diagnosis while pursuing a case against the pharmaceutical giant over its baby powder.
When Hanna Wilt was 22, she was diagnosed with abdominal mesothelioma, a rare cancer usually linked to asbes…

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Supreme Court Upholds Law on Native Adoptions

Native American Christians, involved in both their tribes and in child placement situations, know the complexity of these cases better than most.
Native American tribes will retain priority for placement in the adoption of Native American children …

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The Presbyterian Church in America Has an Abuse Crisis Too

Women thought the PCA, with its robust system of governance, might provide some accountability. They found that was not the case.
With a robust governing structure and a 400-page Book of Church Order (BCO) that requires strict standards for those i…

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