As Asian American Christians Decline, Most ‘Nones’ Still Feel Close to Religion

New Pew survey of 7,000 adults explores the beliefs and practices of Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, and Muslims and their affinity to Confucianism and Daoism.
Christians comprise the largest faith group (34%) among Asian Americans.
But since 2012…

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‘We Do Need Healing’: What First Nation Christians Make of Australia’s Indigenous Representation Referendum

Leaders want a seat at the table. Not all are sure about changing the Constitution.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia were not granted citizenship until 1963. And they were not counted in the census until 1967.
To Brooke P…

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‘We Do Need Healing’: What First Nation Christians Make of Australia’s Indigenous Representation Referendum

Leaders want a seat at the table. Not all are sure about changing the Constitution.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia were not granted citizenship until 1963. They were not counted in the census until 1967.
To Brooke Prent…

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Eating Bitterness: My Culture Helps Me Persevere. The Bible Helps Me Hope.

Both talk about endurance in suffering, but only Scripture encourages me to boast in my weakness.
I was a bridesmaid at a friend’s wedding this summer. The night before the big day, I ransacked my kitchen to concoct a welcome drink for the gr…

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Have China’s Christians Peaked? Pew Researches the Data Debate

New report examines the challenges of measuring religion among Chinese Protestants, Catholics, Buddhists, Muslims, and other beliefs.
Christianity’s growth in China has stalled since 2010.
That’s according to a new Pew Research Center …

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