This Is Your Time

In recent times, the world has witnessed events that just a few years ago might have seemed unbelievable. Flooding, record temperatures, and devastating fires have given evidence that our planet is fragile. Traditional moral values have been turned upside down, while defenders of biblical standards have been ridiculed. Social media has become an ocean of…

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Under Attack

The truth is that what we have seen in recent days should not shock us. I’m not suggesting images of tanks rolling into towns, bombs causing devastation, people fleeing their homeland, and of men going off to war with the possibility of never returning home should sit well with us. They should not. Nevertheless, we…

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The Boy With No Future

His story is the stuff of legend. Raised by sharecroppers in the American South during the Jim Crow era, Jesse Owens was born without any real prospects in the world. By dint of the color of his skin, he wouldn’t have access to a decent education, would never be able to attend a good college,…

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You Can’t Be My Friend If You Vote for…

To say that politicians are worse today than ever before is probably an indicator that we have selective memories. Politics and politicians in “the good old days” weren’t squeaky clean and didn’t always aim their blows above the belt. Moral questions go back just about as far as does the presidency, as do political scandals.…

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8 Lessons From the Coronavirus

There’s much we can learn from the coronavirus crisis. Let’s look at a few coronavirus lessons, in no order of importance. 1. People can make you sick. I heard a sermon more than 25 years ago, preached by a man who sadly is now no longer a believer. He said that if you grow a…

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