Religious Freedom isn’t Free

Religious freedom is easy to take for granted.  In the western world you can read a Bible—or not—believe whatever you want about God and attend the church of your choice. Or no church at all. But it’s easy to forget just how much religious freedom cost. Recently, I was in St. Andrews, Scotland, filming an It Is…

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This is a Time for Prayer

Two recent horrific attacks are simply more evidence that our nation and our world are caught in the grip of senseless, destructive violence. More than 80 people were killed less than a week ago when a deranged man drove a large truck into a crowd gathered to enjoy the Bastille Day fireworks celebration in the…

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The Sins of Others

My friend Dave Moench writes a column for his local community newspaper in North Dakota, in which he answers questions from members of the public. He recently received this interesting question: “A leader in my church has a serious, personal sin that I don’t think anyone else knows about. Is it my responsibility to tell…

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Harambe is Dead: Where’s the Outrage?

Harambe is dead. And that is heartbreaking. When my children were little we visited many zoos. At one point, we counted that my son had been to 37, and since then the number has increased. So it’s no surprise that from an early age he knew that the scientific name for the lion is Panthera leo, and…

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No Greater Sermon

If you thought of the great preachers in the Bible you’d have to think of people like Paul, John the Baptist, and Jesus. One woman is mentioned in the Bible for the sermons she lived, rather than those she preached. The book of Acts describes her as “full of good works and charitable deeds,” and…

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