New & Noteworthy Books

Compiled by Matt Reynolds.
Majority World Theology: Christian Doctrine in Global Context
Edited by Gene L. Green, Stephen T. Pardue, and K. K. Yeo (IVP Academic)
The growth of Christianity around the globe tends to have an enlivening effect on Christia…

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Commentary: On Matters of Race and Justice, Listening Isn’t a One-Way Street

Why we shouldn’t divide the church into those who “get it” and those who don’t.
In early June, with protests erupting around the country and George Floyd’s dying words still hauntingly fresh, The Washington Post published a column with a pointed …

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Commentary: Abortion Is Wrong. That’s Not Why Roe v. Wade Is Wrong.

A better case for overturning a bad Supreme Court precedent.
Hopes are running high among pro-lifers these days. With Justice Anthony Kennedy’s departure from the Supreme Court, many of us can’t resist a peek at the political crystal ball. …

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Commentary: The Lord’s Prayer’s Hard Plea

Does God lead us into temptation? Do we have to ask him not to?
As most Christians know from painful experience, temptation is as easy to find as it is hard to resist. Every day, in a hundred ways, we face pressure to cut corners, mistreat others, and …

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In Defense of Pro-Life ‘Hypocrisy’

Analogies between abortion and other “life issues” are shakier than we sometimes suppose.
Spend enough time arguing against abortion, and you’re certain to deal with accusations of hypocrisy and inconsistency. If you were really pro-life, critics…

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