A Pastor’s Wife Was Murdered. God Had Prepared Him for It.

When disaster strikes, it’s easy to comfort ourselves with empty phrases like “It was a freak accident” or “That’s so unlikely to happen.” Much easier, certainly, than acknowledging that none of us are immune to tragedy. We soothe ourselves with statistics of survival, but inside we know the path of our lives has already been determined. Read more…

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Women Agree: Alcoholism Is a Big Concern in Their Circles

When we shared Ericka Andersen’s essay on Christian women and alcohol, “The Secret Sin of Mommy Juice” women shared their stories with us. “I’ve been sober for 13 years!” wrote one social media follower. “By the grace of God. The glamorization of alcohol is REAL until you have a ‘problem’; then it’s straight-up judgment and Read more…

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There’s Always Been ‘Extra Stuff’ in the Bible

Every Bible includes some non-Bible parts. There are chapter and verse breaks, maps in the back, and dedication pages at the beginning. No one thinks those things are divinely inspired. But they’re in there. Sometimes Scripture is also printed with an introduction, commentary, cross-references, and a concordance. Bibles can have reading instructions—such as specific verses Read more…

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Slaying Dragons in Our Modern-Day Quest

As I write this, the Olympics are streaming into our living rooms. I watch with a particular interest. In what seems like another life, I was a national champion gymnast and Olympic hopeful before my career ended in a catastrophic spinal injury. But I love the Olympics with every fiber of my being and enjoy Read more…

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Christian Media Company Apologizes for Stolen Election Lie

United States Apology for false claims of stolen election Salem Media Group, the company behind thousands of Christian radio stations, apologized to a Georgia man who was falsely accused of “ballot harvesting” in 2000 Mules,the debunked documentary it distributed. The film made by former Christian college president Dinesh D’Souza and a group called True the Read more…

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