Friends in High Places

We love celebrity conversions, but this obsession may not be as gospel-centered as it seems.
We love Christian celebrities. And by that I don’t only mean speakers and pastors who gain celebrity status in the Christian world. I mean famous cel…

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First Woman Steps into Leadership of Evangelical Theological Society

Wheaton professor Karen Jobes becomes president a decade after a study found “hostile and unwelcoming” atmosphere.
The Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) has instated its first female president in 75 years. Karen Jobes, emeritus professor of New…

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New Atheism Is Dead. What’s the New New Atheism?

Far fewer British people agree with vitriolic assertions about religion. Still, disbelief in God is on the rise in both the UK and the US.
“I think a case can be made that faith is one of the world’s great evils, comparable to the small…

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Jesus Christ Is Not a Superstar

Popular portrayals of the God-Man can draw admiring crowds, but they can’t create imitating disciples.
In the past couple of weeks, people have been talking once again about Jesus Christ Superstar.
Not only did a recent Ted Lasso episode feature a…

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Top 5 Heresies Among American Evangelicals

It’s 2022, but Arianism and Pelagianism are steadily making a comeback, according to the State of Theology report.
American evangelicals’ grasp on theology is slipping, and more than half affirmed heretical views of God in this year’s S…

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