The Afghan Immigration Crisis Is Bigger, Faster, More Traumatic. Are Ministries Ready?

Tens of thousands of Afghan evacuees are coming to the US without special status or government funding for resettlement, putting more responsibility on Christian donors and volunteers.
Eileen Wilson pulled up to work at the Hope Center for refugees and…

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‘They Cannot Burn Jesus Out of Me’: Mozambique Pastors Minister to Survivors of Violent Insurgency

Despite the risks in the region, Christians are flocking to camps and targeted villages to provide resources and spiritual care.
Back in April, when armed men began attacking his village in the middle of the night, a pastor of a local church in northe…

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‘How Could All the Prophets Be Wrong About Trump?’

After the 2020 election, a remnant of charismatic leaders are trying to revive their movement from within.
Like millions of people in America and around the world, Jeremiah Johnson stayed up late on election night. From the TV screen in his living roo…

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How Evangelicals Pushed Back on Biden’s Refugee Reversal

Advocates united to hold the president to his campaign promise, combat administration’s misinformation.
Evangelical advocates played a crucial role in holding President Joe Biden accountable to a promise to raise the limits for refugees coming to Ameri…

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560 UK Churches Ready to Welcome Hong Kong Wave

British Christians seek to learn from past Windrush mistakes in their nation’s largest planned migration in 50 years.
Last Sunday, a local Chinese church’s multilingual service was broadcast live on BBC Radio 4, the United Kingdom’s most po…

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