More Christians Are Watching Porn, But Fewer Think It’s a Problem

Pornography use has continued to climb over the past decade, especially among young people who are exposed to explicit images earlier than ever. Yet most Americans today don’t see porn as a bad thing for society, and many Christians say they aren’t worried about its effects. That’s according to a new report released this week Read more…

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With Drug Abuse Raging, Zimbabwe’s Churches Turn from Punishment to Mercy

A drug abuse crisis is raging in Zimbabwe, with experts and medics warning that a staggering 57 percent of Zimbabwe’s youth are involved with illicit drugs, from cocaine and ecstasy to tainted cough syrup and illegally brewed beers.  The church hasn’t been spared, and many leaders say they’re unsure how to respond.  “At first, ten Read more…

The post With Drug Abuse Raging, Zimbabwe’s Churches Turn from Punishment to Mercy appeared first on Christianity Today.

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