Libya: Nine Christians including Libyans, AoG American missionaries, and a Pakistani face possible execution after arrest for apostasy and evangelism

Nine Christians, including six Libyans, two Assemblies of God American missionaries, and a Pakistani have been arrested by Libya’s Internal Security Agency, and face possible execution on charges of apostasy from Islam and preaching Christianity, the Catholic News Agency (CNS) reports.

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Christian persecution sweeping across Africa may result in “vast humanitarian catastrophe,” report says

A new report by the international aid organization Open Doors shows that persecution against Christians in sub-Saharan Africa is now so intense that the continent is in danger of suffering a “vast humanitarian catastrophe,” the Washington Times reports…

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World largely silent as thousands of African Christians were butchered this year

The world and the Church were largely silent as almost 6,000 Christians around the globe were murdered by Islamic jihadists in 2022, most of them in Africa, Israeli journalist Hananya Naftali reports for the Christian Post.

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Biden wants African Union to be added to the Group of 20 nations

President Joe Biden plans to announce at next week’s U.S.-Africa summit that his administration supports adding the African Union as a permanent member of the Group of 20 nations, according to the White House.

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Call to prayer for missionary pilot and volunteers imprisoned by Mozambique government

A call to prayer has been sent out for the release of an American Christian missionary pilot and two South African volunteers who have been jailed in Mozambique for a month since being arrested by government officials on suspicion of insurgents in the …

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Nigeria: At least 4,000 Christians killed by Islamic extremists in 2022 alone

At least 4,000 Christians in Nigeria have been murdered by Islamic jihadists this year alone, the International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law attested this week, the Christian Post reports. Rights groups have estimated 50,000-80,000 Chris…

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