Somalia: US kills 27 Al-Shabaab terrorists in airstrike

An initial assessment shows that an airstrike carried out over Somalia by the US Africa Command (USAC) on Sunday killed 27 Al-Shabaab jihadist insurgents who had been attacking Somali national forces, USAC said in a press statement Wednesday. The strik…

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Mozambique Militants Kill Italian Nun And Other Christians (Worthy News In-Depth)

At least six people, most of them Christians, were beheaded, and an elderly Italian nun was shot dead by Islamic State group militants in northern Mozambique, Catholic sources and officials said Thursday.

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Nigeria: Fulani murder six more Christians in ongoing slaughter

Fulani jihadi herdsmen are continuing their slaughter of Christians in Nigeria, murdering six Christians in Benue state on September 1, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. By the end of last year, Islamic extremists in Nigeria had murdered 43,000 Christia…

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Bible is being translated into 20 Zambian languages

The Wycliffe Associates Bible translation organization has launched a major pioneering work in that it is now translating the Scriptures into 20 new languages that are native to Zambia, Africa, Christian Headlines reports.

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Kenya’s Supreme Court Confirms William Ruto As Presidential Winner

Kenya’s Supreme Court has ruled against candidate Raila Odinga’s challenge to the outcome of last month’s presidential election.

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Nigeria: Christian woman murdered while cleaning her church

The slaughter of Christians in Nigeria’s Plateau state by suspected Fulani Islamic extremists continues unabated, and on August 27, a Christian woman was shot in the head and killed as she cleaned her church building, Morning Star News (MSN) reports.

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