10 Anglican Archbishops say Church of England is “disqualified” as “Mother Church” over blessings for same-sex marriages

Following the recent Church of England decision to allow blessing ceremonies for same-sex civil marriages, Archbishops representing 10 of the 42 provinces in the Anglican Communion have signed a statement that the CofE is now “disqualified” as their founding “Mother Church,” BBC News reports.

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Church of England: ‘God’s Blessing For Gay Marriage’ (Worthy News In-Depth)

After agreeing to make God, “gender neutral,” the Church of England confirmed Thursday it wants to “bless” same-sex marriage and civil partnerships.

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Afghanistan Christians Fear Imminent Death

Minority Christians in Afghanistan enter 2023 amid fears that the ruling Taliban group will increase enforcement of “Sharia,” or Islamic, law.

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Mainline Protestant church adds ‘nonbinary/genderqueer’ to official membership statistics

A mainline Protestant denomination recently announced that it will be adding a “nonbinary/genderqueer” category to its annual report regarding church demographics.

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Sudan Dismisses Apostasy Charges Against Christians, But Concerns Remain

The general prosecutor Sudan’s Central Darfur region has dismissed a case against four Christian men charged with apostasy that previously carried the death penalty, trial observers told Worthy News.

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Young Children Of Late Deacon Killed In Sudan

Sudanese Christians are mourning after suspected Muslim militants killed the three young children of a deceased Catholic Church deacon in Sudan’s Central Darfur region, Worthy News established late Tuesday.

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