US: ‘Russia, Iran Have Full-Fledged Defense Partnership’

The U.S. warns that Russia and Iran’s relationship has turned into a “full-fledged” defense partnership adding to concerns their cooperation will lead to more bloodshed in Ukraine and elsewhere, including Israel.

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UN to mark ‘Nakba Day’ – Israel’s establishment as catastrophe

The UN General Assembly voted Wednesday afternoon in favor of holding a commemorative event in honor of the 75th “Nakba Day,” the Palestinian name for Israel’s establishment, which translates to “catastrophe.”

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China condemns deployment of US B-52s to Australia

China has condemned reported US plans to deploy as many as six B-52 bombers to northern Australia as part of a plan to build maintenance facilities and parking places for the bombers at Royal Australian Air Force Base Tindal, the Washington Times reports.

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U.S. to send B-52 bombers to Australia amid China tensions

The United States is reportedly planning to deploy up to six nuclear-capable B-52 bombers to an air base in northern Australia amid increased tensions with Beijing.

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Extreme weather could cause over $5 trillion in losses by 20250

A new report by Aquanomics GHD warns that increasingly extreme weather could cause over $5 trillion in losses to the global economy by 2050, Reuters reports.

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Conservatives split from Australian Anglican church over LGBTQ issues

A contingent of conservatives who oppose same-sex marriage has separated from the Australian Anglican church to launch a new denomination called the Diocese of the Southern Cross, Church Leaders reports.

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