US Secret Service “Threatens” Pastor Over Chinese Embassy Protest

A U.S. Pastor known for religious rights rallies was nearly detained by U.S. Secret Service personnel after Chinese embassy staff objected to his protest, Worthy News learned Thursday.

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Chinese Spy Balloon Shot Down off the Coast Was Carrying 2,000 Pounds of Electronics

Pentagon officials say a “significant amount” of the electronic technology that was suspended below that Chinese spy balloon that flew over the U.S. and was shot down 10 days ago has now been lifted from the floor of the Atlantic.

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US Shoots Down ‘UFOS’ Over America, Canada

The U.S. confirmed Sunday it shot down another unidentified flying object (UFO) in the fourth such military operation this month alone.

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US Shoots Down ‘UFOS’ Over America, Canada

The U.S. confirmed Sunday it shot down another unidentified flying object (UFO) in the fourth such military operation this month alone.

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US: ‘Shot Down Chinese Balloon Clearly Spying’

The United States says images from U2 spy planes show that a massive Chinese balloon flying across the U.S. last week, including over sensitive nuclear sites, was unmistakably equipped for collecting intelligence and not weather data.

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Chinese spy balloon part of larger surveillance program: U.S. intel

The suspected Chinese spy balloon that attracted national attention as it traversed the United States was part of a larger surveillance program, the U.S. intelligence officials have concluded.

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