Beth Guckenberger – Reckless Faith Moment (Pain Makes Us Weak)

Pain makes us mean. Instead of judging someone for their behavior, let us ask instead where they are hurting.

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Beth Guckenberger – Reckless Faith Moment (Anchor with the Word of God)

The Word of God is an anchor in our lives. Let us remember to fill ourselves with it daily so that His peace will overcome us.

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Beth Guckenberger – Reckless Faith Moment (Tomorrow)

Bitterness, unforgiveness, fear, addiction… What frog are holding onto until “tomorrow” that God wants to take away right now?

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Beth Guckenberger – Reckless Faith Moment (Trampling on Snakes)

We have an enemy and he is at work around us. Let us never forget that we have the authority to trample on snakes and scorpions.

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Beth Guckenberger – Reckless Faith Moment (3rd Time Up the Mountain)

What mountain are you climbing right now? What is God trying to teach you on the journey up?

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Beth Guckenberger – Reckless Faith Moment (God So Loved the World)

God is a “so-lover” and has His children in mind from the very beginning of their days.

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