Tracing the Bible’s History Through Time and Space

In one of his many insightful essays, the late missiologist Andrew Walls asked whether one could detect a coherence or continuity over 2,000 years of Christian history. He proposed that one theme stood out most: the ultimate significance of Jesus. Beyond that, he noted that Christians have affirmed the same sacred writings, instituted some form Read more…

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Worship Together or Bowl Alone

From wherever you’re sitting, this likely feels like a low point for the church in America. (Elsewhere it’s a different matter.)  Some of our neighbors see the church as an agent of reaction, pressing the brakes on every major movement for progress since the country’s founding. Others believe the church is a wolf in the Read more…

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It’s a Theological World After All

It’s no secret that theological education is in a state of crisis today. In recent years, faculty layoffs and the downsizing of evangelical seminaries and Christian colleges in the make it hard to overstate the grimness of the prognosis. Yet as a theologian myself, I find this troubling trend to be a symptom of a Read more…

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