Parents Today Are Kinder and Gentler. They Can Still Take Sin Seriously.

My husband and I found out we were expecting our first child in the summer of 2020. Ongoing pandemic lockdowns in California gave me ample time to read parenting books and research baby products. I was raised in the shadow of fundamentalist evangelicalism at the turn of the 21st century, my parents and their peers Read more…

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A Pastor’s Wife Was Murdered. God Had Prepared Him for It.

When disaster strikes, it’s easy to comfort ourselves with empty phrases like “It was a freak accident” or “That’s so unlikely to happen.” Much easier, certainly, than acknowledging that none of us are immune to tragedy. We soothe ourselves with statistics of survival, but inside we know the path of our lives has already been determined. Read more…

The post A Pastor’s Wife Was Murdered. God Had Prepared Him for It. appeared first on Christianity Today.

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