Church of England General Synod considering approval of blessing prayers for same-sex couples

Among other items on its agenda, the Church of England’s General Synod is currently considering whether to allow clergy to voluntarily perform prayers of blessings for same-sex couples in church, Christian Today reports.

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10 Anglican Archbishops say Church of England is “disqualified” as “Mother Church” over blessings for same-sex marriages

Following the recent Church of England decision to allow blessing ceremonies for same-sex civil marriages, Archbishops representing 10 of the 42 provinces in the Anglican Communion have signed a statement that the CofE is now “disqualified” as their founding “Mother Church,” BBC News reports.

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Church of England: ‘God’s Blessing For Gay Marriage’ (Worthy News In-Depth)

After agreeing to make God, “gender neutral,” the Church of England confirmed Thursday it wants to “bless” same-sex marriage and civil partnerships.

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Church of England publishes draft prayer of blessing for same-sex marriages

The Church of England has published draft prayers for God’s blessing for same-sex couples, the denomination said in a press release last week. The move follows the Church of England’s recently announced plans to continue the prohibition of marriage cer…

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Church of England: homosexual couples cannot marry in church but clergy can hold blessings for same-sex civil partnerships

The Church of England has announced it cannot change its doctrine to allow same-sex couples to be married in the church but proposes that clergy may voluntarily choose to hold blessing ceremonies for homosexual couples in civil marriages, the Guardian …

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Church of England Evangelicals reject Bishop’s proposal to allow blessing of same-sex marriages

Church of England Evangelicals have rejected a theological essay published by the Bishop of Oxford which argues Anglican clergy should be able to bless and marry same-sex couples if they choose, the Christian Post (CP) reports. The Church of England do…

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