House Passes FISA Renewal on Fourth Attempt, Excludes Warrant Mandate for US Data

The House of Representatives approved a bill to renew Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), extending federal surveillance on foreign targets until 2026. The legislation passed without the warrant requirement that some lawmakers had pushed for to protect the privacy of Americans whose data may be incidentally collected during those operations.

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House Stops Johnson-backed FISA Renewal Bill

Nineteen privacy-focused House GOP members have halted the progression of a bill, supported by Speaker Mike Johnson, that seeks to renew Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) — a controversial government surveillance tool used by the federal government.

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Government Shutdown Averted, Yet New Speaker Issues Warning: ‘We’re in Such Trouble with Our Federal Debt’

Newly appointed Speaker Mike Johnson led the U.S. House of Representatives in a decisive vote earlier this week, successfully preventing a government shutdown by approving an emergency funding measure. Despite this accomplishment, Speaker Johnson issued a warning about the imminent threat posed by the growing federal debt.

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House Approves Temporary Measure to Avert Government Shutdown

House Speaker Mike Johnson successfully introduced and passed his temporary measure to prevent a government shutdown, securing a wide margin with a 336-95 congressional vote on Tuesday night.

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Republicans speak out against US debt-ceiling deal, in sign of rocky road ahead

A handful of hard-right Republican lawmakers said on Monday they would oppose a deal to raise the United States’ $31.4 trillion debt ceiling, in a sign that the bipartisan agreement could face a rocky path through Congress before the U.S. runs out of money next week.

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IRS leaked thousands of Americans’ tax filings; Congress demands to know if it was political

The new head of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee blasted the Biden administration for giving few answers after thousands of taxpayer files were leaked to an outside group.

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