Democratic governors form alliance on abortion rights

Democratic governors in 20 states are launching a network intended to strengthen abortion access in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court decision nixing a woman’s constitutional right to end a pregnancy and instead shifting regulatory powers over the procedure to state governments.

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Biden Under Fire Over Abortion Remarks

U.S. President Joe Biden faces condemnation from leading Republicans “protecting the unborn” after he urged Congress to end “extreme abortion bans.”

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China Threatens Action After US Shoots Down Chinese ‘Spy Balloon’

U.S.-Sino tensions are rising, with China’s government threatening to retaliate after the United States shot down an alleged Chinese spy balloon that flew across the nation for days, including over sensitive American nuclear sites.

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Iranian Nabbed At U.S. Border After Terror Lost Arrests

Dozens on the U.S. terror watch list were detained, including 17 in December, at the U.S. southern border with Mexico, officials said Wednesday.

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U.S. Supreme Court declines to block New York gun restrictions

The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday turned away a challenge by a group of firearms dealers in New York to numerous Democratic-backed measures adopted by the state last year regulating gun purchases that the businesses said hurt their businesses.

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McCarthy confirms Schiff, Swalwell, Omar will lose committee seats

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said he will keep his promise to block three headline-grabbing Democrats from their committee assignments in the 118th Congress.

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