‘It’s time for us to rebuild our country’: Trump hopes to deal with Democrats on infrastructure

The White House on Sunday said President Trump wants to introduce an infrastructure package in January and reach for a deal with Democrats, a pivot toward bipartisanship after Republican-only efforts on health care and taxes produced mixed results this year.

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Trump dismantles Obama’s ‘imperial’ presidency, rescinds dubious orders

Democrats are attacking President Trump for ‘dismantling’ President Obama’s legacy on everything from Obamacare subsidies to immigration amnesty, but nobody knew better than Mr. Obama how vulnerable his go-it-alone agenda would be if Mr. Trump won the election.

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Trump unveils new strict 70-point immigration enforcement plan

Determined to finally solve illegal immigration, the White House submitted a 70-point enforcement plan to Congress Sunday proposing the stiffest reforms ever offered by an administration — including a massive rewrite of the law in order to eliminate loopholes illegal immigrants have exploited to gain a foothold in the U.S.

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Schumer, Pelosi announce deal with Trump on Dreamers

Democratic leaders emerged from a dinner meeting Wednesday night with President Trump to say they had worked out a deal to grant permanent protections to young illegal immigrants — without having to accept funding for the president’s proposed border wall.

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Trump phaseout of DACA gives Congress six months to devise solution for Dreamers

The Trump administration on Tuesday declared the Obama-era DACA program unconstitutional and ordered a phaseout, giving Congress six months to devise a permanent solution for 800,000 young adult illegal immigrant Dreamers who could be at risk of deportation.

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