Christians Rush To Halt Ebola Outbreak In Africa

Christian aid workers are rushing to provide personal protective equipment (PPE) to east and southern Africa after an outbreak of Ebola, the highly deadly contagious disease that has already killed scores of people in recent weeks.

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WHO Declares Monkeypox Global Emergency

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the monkeypox outbreak a “global emergency,” raising the prospect of tighter health measures.

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WHO Chief Declares Monkeypox a ‘Global Emergency’ Without Expert Consensus

The expanding monkeypox outbreak in more than 70 countries is an “extraordinary” situation that qualifies as a global emergency, the World Health Organization chief said Saturday.

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Democrats in Decline: Poll Finds 14 Point Swing in Party ID Since Biden Took Office

President Joe Biden’s first year in office has been a disaster of epic proportions. Afghanistan and the southern border? Disaster. His handling of the COVID-19 pandemic after promising to “shut down” the virus and hiring Ron “Ebola Czar” Klain as his c…

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Top Israeli Doctor Says Ivermectin Could Help Treat COVID, Urges More Research

Professor Eli Schwartz is with the Sheba Medical Center in Israel, considered one of the world’s top hospitals. For decades, Prof. Schwartz has traveled the world fighting outbreaks like Dengue Fever and Ebola. He also began the Travel Medicine and Tro…

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Congo Declares Second Outbreak of Ebola Virus

As the Democratic Republic of the Congo neared declaring an Ebola outbreak in its eastern provinces over, health officials on Monday announced a new cluster has emerged on the other side of the African nation.
The post Congo Declares Second Outbreak of…

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