Operation Bring Back Our Brothers Continues, Over 200 Hamas Members Arrested

On the fifth day of Operation Bring Back Our Brothers, Israel continued to target Hamas in the West Bank and has arrested over 200 members of Hamas, mostly in the area of Hebron while the search for the three kidnapped teenagers continues.

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Supreme Court Decisions This Month Could Impact Your Freedom

The Supreme Court will be issuing opinions in 17 cases over the next two weeks including the religious rights of corporations, abortion clinic buffer zones, the right to criticize elected officials and privacy rights of people under arrest.

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Iran Deploys Forces to Fight Jihadists in Iraq

Iran has deployed two Revolutionary Guards units to Iraq to protect Baghdad, and the holy Shi’ite cities of Karbala and Najaf, the Wall Street Journal reported.

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Israel Planning New Temple on the Ruins of the Al-Aqsa Mosque Claims PA Official (Video)

Israel is planning to blowup the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem to prepare the way for a new Temple to be built on its ruins, Mahmoud al-Habash, the former Palestinian Authority (PA) Minister of Religious Affairs, claimed on Thursday.

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Tensions Between Netanyahu and Rivlin Apparent in Meeting

Tensions surrounded when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, met with Israel’s President-elect Reuven Rivlin at his official residence in Jerusalem to congratulate him on being elected to office.

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Iraq Sought U.S. Strikes in March and Again in May Against Terrorists

As the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) threatened Western Iraq, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki secretly asked the Obama administration to consider carrying out air strikes against the terrorist organization, according to the New York Times.

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