Will Your Presidential Vote Send You to Hell?

This piece was adapted from Russell Moore’s newsletter. Subscribe here. Since by nature of my work I’ve had to weigh in on a lot of controversial issues over the years, I’ve been cussed out a time or two. Sometimes, I’ve been yelled at with, “God damn you!” When an unbeliever says that, it’s one thing. Christians, though, Read more…

The post Will Your Presidential Vote Send You to Hell? appeared first on Christianity Today.

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Turkey’s President Fails To Win Elections Outright; Second Round Called

Turkey’s presidential election is going to a runoff after long-time incumbent Recep Tayyip Erdogan failed to beat the opposition outright. He defeated his chief rival Kemal Kilicdaroglu but without the 50 percent vote threshold needed to avoid a second round within two weeks.

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Nigeria Presidential Elections Clouded By Chaos

Christians prayed as Nigeria’s presidential elections were clouded by chaos Sunday, with results unclear in dozens of states and people still casting ballots though the vote officially ended Saturday.

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Trump promises to deport at least 2 million ‘criminal’ immigrants in post-election interview

President-elect Donald Trump has promised to deport or incarcerate “probably two million,” or even three million “criminal” illegal immigrants, once he takes office.

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