Gunman Kills 6 In US Walmart Superstore

A gunman shot and killed six people in a Walmart superstore in Chesapeake, in the U.S. state of Virginia, police said early Wednesday.

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Christians Rush To Halt Ebola Outbreak In Africa

Christian aid workers are rushing to provide personal protective equipment (PPE) to east and southern Africa after an outbreak of Ebola, the highly deadly contagious disease that has already killed scores of people in recent weeks.

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Ukraine Forces Battle In ‘Dead Cities’

Between massive death and destruction, Ukrainian forces were still holding out in the eastern city of Severodonetsk despite being outnumbered by Russian forces, Ukraine’s president said.

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Head of Nigerian Methodist Church kidnapped, released next day

The head of the Nigerian Methodist Church was abducted from Abia in south-east Nigeria on Sunday, before being released the next day, Christian Today (CT) reports.

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U.S. overdose deaths hit record 107,000 last year, CDC says

More than 107,000 Americans died of drug overdoses last year, setting another tragic record in the nation’s escalating overdose epidemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated Wednesday.

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Bill Gates Calls for Worldwide Government Surveillance System

In an apparent lesson from Covid, American Oligarch Bill Gates wants eyes on any potential future pandemic.

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