Blast heard near Iran’s Natanz nuclear site; officials cite air defense test

A blast was reported Saturday in the vicinity of a nuclear site in Natanz, Iran, according to preliminary reports.

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Iran Orders Review Of Jailing Christians

A top Iranian court has ordered a review of five-year prison terms given to nine Christian converts who left Islam, according to sources familiar with the court’s thinking.

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Hungary’s Youngsters Forced To Watch Pro-Government Film (Worthy News In-Depth)

Hungary’s government is going the extra mile to spread its propaganda ahead of elections next year: It’s forcing students to watch a government-friendly film about a former prime minister lied and still plays a vital role in the opposition.

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Sudan: Christians concerned for security after military coup; “it is very important to pray”

Christians in Sudan have renewed concern for their safety and religious freedom following Monday’s military coup in which the head of Sudan’s transitional Sovereign Council, Gen. Abdel Fattah Burhan, arrested civilian prime minister Abdalla Hamdok, his…

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Poland Ordered To Pay EU Fines Over Rule of Law Concerns

The European Union’s top court has ordered EU member state Poland to pay fines of 1 million euro per day for “not adhering” to a ruling over Warsaw’s judicial reforms.

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Rival Rallies Mark Hungary’s 1956 Revolution Anniversary (Worthy News In-Depth)

Hungary’s opposition candidate for prime minister has pledged to “fight for freedom and a new constitution but against corruption” amid European Union worries about the future of his nation.

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