Survey: Majority of Americans identify as Christian, but many have unbiblical views

A new survey published in the American Worldview Inventory 2021 shows that 69% of Americans self-identify as “Christian” but many hold views that contradict the Bible, Christian Headlines (CH) reports.

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EU Targets Christian Doctors Saying Abortion Is ‘Human Right’

Pro-Life doctors and Christian groups are under pressure after the European Parliament passed a resolution saying that abortion is a “human right” and condemned opponents.

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New U.S. Supreme Court Less Conservative Than Anticipated

The U.S. Supreme Court has ended its first year in its current form without rulings that Republicans hoped for, and liberal Democrats feared, from transgender issues to challenging critical parts of Obamacare.

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Supreme Court declines appeal from florist who refused to serve gay wedding

The Supreme Court on Friday declined to hear arguments in an appeal from a florist who refused to serve a gay couple’s wedding.

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Supreme Court rules for Catholic foster care agency in gay discrimination dispute

The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled for a Catholic-run foster care agency in a dispute over Philadelphia’s nondiscrimination policy against gay and transgender people.

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Poll: 70% of Americans support same-sex marriage

A new Gallup poll shows US support for legal same-sex marriage is at a record high of 70%, Gallup reports. The poll also shows that, for the first time, a majority of Republicans (55%) also support legal same-sex marriage.

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