Give Gen-Z Students Some Credit

If you tried to design an ideal setting for learning how to be a good neighbor, it would look a lot like a college campus. As the president of a campus ministry, I might be a little biased in that assessment. But imagine the reality that a brand-new college student faces when they come to Read more…

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Christian Formation for the ‘Toolbelt Generation’

I always assumed my sons would go to college. My husband and I were indelibly formed by our own college years of deep reading, endless discussion, and applying what we’d learned in the classroom to our faith and the world. University life helped us grow toward being “as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as Read more…

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 appeared first on Christianity Today.

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More Christian Colleges Will Close. Can They Finish Well?

On June 25, 2024, Eastern Nazarene College announced that it will close at the end of the year. I specify the date because it matters: The news came well after faculty members had begun planning syllabi and courses for the fall semester. To say this was a bombshell for them and their students is an understatement. Six Read more…

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It’s a Theological World After All

It’s no secret that theological education is in a state of crisis today. In recent years, faculty layoffs and the downsizing of evangelical seminaries and Christian colleges in the make it hard to overstate the grimness of the prognosis. Yet as a theologian myself, I find this troubling trend to be a symptom of a Read more…

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