India Releases Evangelical Leader On Bail

A jailed leader of more than 30 churches and congregations in northeastern India has been released on bail after International pressure, Worthy News learned Tuesday.

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Jailed Church Leader Facing India Trial

A jailed leader of more than 30 churches and congregations in northeastern India faces a trial on charges supporters link to his Christian activities, sources told Worthy News late Thursday.

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India: Newly Christian man beaten unconscious left for dead after refusing to renounce faith

A former Hindu who gave his life to Christ just four months ago was beaten unconscious and left for dead after a mob of Hindus attacked a gathering of believers at a house church in India’s Odisha state earlier this month, International Christian Conce…

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Nine Christians hospitalized after Hindu extremist attack on church

A mob of radicalized Hindu nationalists beat up and hospitalized nine Christians during an attack on a church hall in India’s Chhattisgarh state earlier this month, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

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Multifaith leaders to gather in Israel and around the world for ‘climate repentance’

Jews, Muslims, Christians, Hindus and Buddhists from Israel, Egypt, the US, India, Spain and the UK plan to gather Sunday around the world to call on global leaders to act for “climate repentance” and to implement ten climate principles.

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India: Off-duty police officer among Hindu mob attacking Christian prayer meeting

An off-duty police officer joined a mob of Hindu nationalists who attacked a gathering of 15 Christians gathered in a private home in India’s Chhattisgarh state last month, the Christian Post (CP) reports.

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