Church of England: homosexual couples cannot marry in church but clergy can hold blessings for same-sex civil partnerships

The Church of England has announced it cannot change its doctrine to allow same-sex couples to be married in the church but proposes that clergy may voluntarily choose to hold blessing ceremonies for homosexual couples in civil marriages, the Guardian …

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UK government admits prosecutor was wrong to say parts of the Bible are “no longer appropriate” in society

A high-ranking UK government lawyer admitted last week that it was wrong of Britain’s Crown Prosecution Service to have argued that sections of the Bible are ‘no longer appropriate in modern society’ when it charged a Christian street preacher with com…

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Russia: Putin signs law banning all LGBT expression in public life

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday signed a law that effectively prohibits any public expression of LGBT behavior or lifestyle in Russia, Reuters reports.

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UK street evangelist charged with public order offense after preaching on homosexuality

A UK Christian street preacher charged with a Public Order offense for telling a same-sex married couple that their union is against the Bible’s teaching has had his case dropped after the couple refused to engage with it, Christian Concern (CC) report…

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249 more congregations vote to leave United Methodist Church over homosexuality issue

As congregations continue to leave the United Methodist Church mainline Protestant denomination over division on LGBTQ issues, 249 North Carolina congregations disaffiliated from the UMC on Saturday, the Christian Post (CP) reports.

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Finland: Christian lawmaker faces continued prosecution for “hate speech” statements on homosexuality

An evangelical lawmaker in Finland who was acquitted by a lower court on “hate speech” charges for sharing her views on homosexuality now faces an appeals court hearing after the state prosecutor insisted on continuing the case, the Washington Times re…

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