IAEA: Iran stopping inspectors from servicing equipment

Iran violated an agreement allowing inspectors to service monitoring equipment in the country’s nuclear facilities, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) announced Sunday.

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Nuclear Iran in a month, regional conflict in two?

Iran can enrich enough weapons-grade uranium within a month of deciding to do so, the Institute for Science and International Security estimates in a report published Monday.

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North Korea Tests Nuclear-Capable Missiles Adding To Tensions

In a move heightening international tensions, North Korea tested long-range cruise missiles over the weekend, the reclusive communist state confirmed Monday.

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IAEA Iran nuclear report: Bennett calls on international community to act

“Israel takes very seriously the situation reflected in the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) report released this week on the Iranian nuclear issue,” Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said on Friday.

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Lapid: Iran’s nuclear arms race a global problem

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid said on Thursday that Iran’s nuclear program is not only an issue for Israel but the entire world as well.

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IAEA Says Iran Blocking Access To Nuclear Sites, Still Boosting Enrichment

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) says Iran is blocking access to some of its nuclear sites and continues to boost its stocks of uranium enriched above the percentage allowed in its hobbled 2015 deal with world powers.

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