Faith Lived Close to the Land

My dad eased his pickup truck along the rolling sidehill, tracing the curves in the rows of hay stretching before us, the steering wheel wandering beneath his hand. The afternoon sun was high and warm. We could have fallen asleep beneath its affectionate glow, were it an afternoon lazy enough to let our family rest. Read more…

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Pastors, We Have to Play the Long Game

This year has been rough for the church in Dallas–Fort Worth where I pastor. At least eight pastors, and recently another, have been publicly disqualified for inappropriate relationships or abusive behavior. Enough people emerged from the wreckage and made their way to our local body that I addressed the pain of this summer from the Read more…

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Emptying the Nest in Hope, not Fear

If you’re in the midst of launching a child into adulthood, preparing them to keep the faith as they grow up, you’ve probably already begun to train them in apologetics. It might not be formal apologetics, though that’s what comes to mind for me: debates, arguments, refuting other people’s beliefs point by point. That kind Read more…

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The United Nations Is a Mission Field

I flash my United Nations (UN) access badge to the police officer, and he waves me through the security barrier. As I approach the plaza, I see snipers with rifles on the roof and hear a dozen different languages. Black limousines are everywhere as presidents and prime ministers converge in New York City, preparing their Read more…

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Give Gen-Z Students Some Credit

If you tried to design an ideal setting for learning how to be a good neighbor, it would look a lot like a college campus. As the president of a campus ministry, I might be a little biased in that assessment. But imagine the reality that a brand-new college student faces when they come to Read more…

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Don’t ‘Spiritually Bypass’ Your Church-Hurt Neighbor

“Pray, believe, and receive—or doubt and do without” was a phrase I often heard in my Christian circle. And although it was not intended to be a harmful adage, it became one. That is, after I worked at a ministry where I was bullied, isolated, and left to fend for myself. When I finally decided Read more…

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