Hungary Urges More Support For Persecuted Christians

Hungary says persecuted Christians “need help to be given in their homelands,” while those who have fled “must receive help to return.”

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US Inflation Spikes to 8.2%

Inflation in the United States accelerated in September, with the cost of housing and other necessities intensifying pressure on households, wiping out pay gains that many have received and ensuring that the Federal Reserve will keep raising interest r…

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Mortgage Interest Rates Rise To Highest Level Since 2006

The average interest rate on the most popular U.S. home loan rose to its highest level since 2006 as the housing sector continued to bear the brunt of tightening financial conditions, data from the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) showed on Wednesday.

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Israel announces “historic” maritime border agreement with Lebanon

Israel announced Tuesday it has reached a “historic” maritime border agreement with Lebanon, resolving a long dispute over access to gas fields in the Mediterranean Sea, the Times of Israel (TOI) reports. The deal was finally agreed upon after Israel a…

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‘Nearly doubled’ foreign investment in U.S. farmland comes under scrutiny

A coalition of 130 lawmakers sent a letter to a top federal watchdog raising the alarm about a spike in foreign ownership of U.S. farmland.

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Archaeologists discover 44 ancient Byzantine-era gold coins in northern Israel

Israeli archaeologists have unearthed 44 Byzantine gold coins at a location in northern Israel where, according to Christian tradition, Peter proclaimed Jesus to be the Christ, Christian Headlines (CH) reports.

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