UN Atomic Agency chief says urgent action required to prevent nuclear accident in Ukraine following new blasts near nuclear plant

UN International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi issued a blistering statement on the urgent need to prevent a nuclear accident in Ukraine after shelling again took place extremely close to the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Po…

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IAEA: Iran must cooperate with uranium probe

The 35-nation board of governors of the United Nations’ International Atomic Energy Agency nuclear watchdog passed a resolution Thursday ordering Iran to cooperate immediately with the agency’s investigation into uranium traces discovered at three unde…

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IAEA: Iran must cooperate with uranium probe

The 35-nation board of governors of the United Nations’ International Atomic Energy Agency nuclear watchdog passed a resolution Thursday ordering Iran to cooperate immediately with the agency’s investigation into uranium traces discovered at three unde…

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UN atomic watchdog: Iran further increasing stockpile of highly enriched uranium

The UN atomic watchdog said Thursday it believes that Iran has further increased its stockpile of highly enriched uranium and criticized Tehran for continuing to bar the agency’s officials from accessing or monitoring Iranian nuclear sites.

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Iran racing to expand enrichment at underground plant, IAEA report shows

Iran is speeding ahead in its expansion of uranium enrichment at the Natanz nuclear facility, according to a report in Reuters early Tuesday.

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Europe: Iran’s stance on IAEA probe jeopardizes nuclear deal

France, Britain, and Germany on Saturday vented their frustration at Iran’s demand in talks to revive its 2015 nuclear deal that the UN nuclear watchdog close a probe into uranium particles found at three sites, adding that it was jeopardizing the talks.

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