Iraq Comes Up, as Negotiators Meet for the Fifth Round of Nuclear Talks in Vienna

Iran’s negotiations continued with six global powers regarding its nuclear program continued in Vienna, marking the fifth round of talks hoping to reach a comprehensive agreement by July 20. Alongside the nuclear talks, U.S. and Iranian diplomats discussed the crisis in Iraq.

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Iran Offers to Cut Plutonium Creation Capability to Reach Deal with West

Iran is “busy redesigning” a planned research reactor to sharply cut its potential output of plutonium – a potential nuclear bomb fuel, a senior Iranian official said in comments that seemed to address a key dispute in negotiations with world powers.

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Iranian Supreme Leader: U.S. Has Taken Military Option Off the Table

Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei asserted that the Obama Administration had taken the option of a military intervention against the Islamic republic off the table.

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Iran’s Reactor Fuel Demands Stall Nuclear Talks

Iran says it should be able to produce fuel for its Bushehr nuclear power plant, however world powers are unlikely to agree to its demands and places the July deadline for a deal in jeopardy.

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Iran Claims Development of Air Defense System More Advanced than Russian S-300

The deputy commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard (IRGC), Brig.-Gen. Hossein Salami announced on Saturday that his country has built a top secret air-defense system, which is more advanced than the Russian S-300.

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UN Investigation of Iranian Nuclear Program May Slow Talks

The head of the UN nuclear agency suggested Monday that a probe of suspected atomic arms work by Iran may stretch into next year — which would push Tehran’s overall nuclear agreement with world powers long past the July 20 target date.

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