Israeli strike on Iran would be a ‘grave mistake’ while talks continue

An Israeli attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities is not a relevant option as long as Tehran continues negotiating with world powers over its atom program, Israeli nuclear experts said Thursday.

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‘Global US empire coming to end,’ Iran says

A senior Iranian military commander on Wednesday said the global US empire was “coming to an end,” as its footholds around the globe were growing weaker.

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Obama: ‘Very real chance’ of breakthrough agreement with Iran

In a much-anticipated speech delineating his foreign policy for the remainder of his term in office, US President Barack Obama said Wednesday that his administration’s refocus toward international cooperation provided a new opportunity to resolve tensions over Iran’s nuclear program. While warning that the odds of success are “still long” in getting Iran to give up its nuclear weapons development, he said that “for the first time in a decade, we have a very real chance of achieving a breakthrough agreement.”

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West Expects Too Much from Iran Over Its Nuclear Program

Western governments expect too much from Iran in negotiations over its nuclear program, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Monday amid the stalled diplomatic effort.

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Source: Iran Tested Detonators For Nuclear Weapons Unknown To IAEA

Iran has conducted several high-explosive tests on detonators designed for its nuclear weapons program, according to a former officer of the regime’s Revolutionary Guards.

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Iran’s ayatollah: Jihad will last until America is wiped out

Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said the era of negotiation of Tehran’s nuclear program has ended and that those who wanted to deal with America – which he said must be destroyed – are guilty of treason.

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