Trump’s tariffs receive bipartisan criticism at Senate hearing

Senators of both parties blasted Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross over President Trump’s steel and aluminum tariffs Wednesday, saying the levies are harming the U.S. economy while doing nothing to stop China’s unfair trade practices.

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Devin Nunes: ‘Hell to pay’ if Justice Department fails to turn over Russia documents this week

The Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence said Sunday there will ‘be hell to pay’ if the Justice Department doesn’t comply with outstanding requests this week for information related to the Russian investigation.

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Congress moves to ban child sex robots favored by pedophiles

The U.S. House approved a ban Wednesday on the importation and trafficking of anatomically correct child sex dolls and robots that ‘normalize sex between adults and minors.’

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Congress moves to ban child sex robots favored by pedophiles

The U.S. House approved a ban Wednesday on the importation and trafficking of anatomically correct child sex dolls and robots that ‘normalize sex between adults and minors.’

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House passes 25 bills to fight opioid addiction and overdoses

The House has passed 25 bills to combat rising drug-related deaths from opioids, including prescription painkillers and heroin.

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Robert Mueller seeks 150 blank subpoenas for Manafort trial

Special counsel Robert Mueller on Wednesday asked for 150 blank subpoenas in the Eastern District of Virginia where he has filed charges against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

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