House approves defense aid to Israel despite veto threat

The United States House of Representatives on Thursday passed a $576 billion defense spending bill which includes $635.7 million for U.S.-Israel missile defense programs, despite a threat by the Obama administration to veto the bill, The Jewish Insider reports.

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White House opposes extra funding for Israel missile defense

The White House said Tuesday that it was opposed to a move by the House of Representatives to increase funding for Israeli missile defense procurement by an additional $455 million above the administration’s budget request for the 2017 fiscal year.

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Iron Dome Receives $225 Million in Funding from U.S.

Israel’s Iron Dome Missile Defense System received a $225 million boost when U.S. President Barack Obama signed a bill on Monday authorizing additional funding for the program.

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U.S. House Votes to Increase Funding for Israel’s Missile Defense

The U.S. House of Representatives approved $351 million for the Iron Dome, and $270 million for the Arrow 3 and David’s Sling missile defense systems.

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Israel Retailates After Rockets Fired from Gaza

Israel Air Forces (IAF) attacked a number of terror related targets last night after rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip for the third time this week.

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