US destroys ‘Islamic State’ chemical weapons plant in Iraq

A dozen US warplanes destroyed nearly 50 targets at an “Islamic State” chemical weapons production plant in northern Iraq, the Pentagon said on Tuesday.

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U.S. Offers Bounty on U.S. Trained Islamic State Commander

The United States is offering a reward of $3 million for information about fugitive Tajik Colonel Gulmurod Halimov, who joined the Islamic State (IS) group last year.

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U.N. confirms Syria, Islamic State used chemical weapons

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s forces carried out at least two chemical attacks in Syria in the past two years and the Islamic State also used mustard gas as a weapon, the United Nations reported Wednesday.

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Obama Former Top Intel Official: ISIS Is Already in America

Affiliates of the Islamic State terror organization are already residing in the United States, though exact numbers are unclear due to the Obama administration’s efforts to downplay and hide information about this threat from the American public, the former director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency told the Washington Free Beacon in a wide-ranging interview.

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Islamic State terrorists slit Catholic priest’s throat at altar, videotape ‘sermon’ in Arabic

A pair of Islamic State-linked terrorists slit a priest’s throat at the altar of a Catholic church in northern France on Tuesday before videotaping a “sermon” in Arabic to mark the ritualistic slaughter — the fourth attack in a week by the terrorist group, which since June has claimed responsibility for killing more than 600 people in several countries, including the U.S.

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Islamic State expands in Europe, Mideast, North Africa, Asia

Two years since it shifted from terrorist group to governing organization holding territory, the Islamic State is expanding to seven emerging areas of Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and Asia, according to a State Department security report.

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