Nigeria: Fulani murder six more Christians in ongoing slaughter

Fulani jihadi herdsmen are continuing their slaughter of Christians in Nigeria, murdering six Christians in Benue state on September 1, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. By the end of last year, Islamic extremists in Nigeria had murdered 43,000 Christia…

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Sinai: Coptic Christian farmers shot dead by Islamic State

A Coptic Christian farmer and his son were shot dead by Islamic State insurgents in the Sinai peninsula, Egypt, at the end of last month, Watani International reports.

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Somalia is facing catastrophic deadly famine, UN says

The United Nations Humanitarian Chief announced Monday that Somalia is facing a second catastrophic famine, worse than that of 2011, in which 260,000 people died, DW reports. The causes of the impending catastrophe are manifold, including four years of…

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Mozambique: Christians in danger as Islamic terror insurgency continues

Christians in Mozambique live in danger as al-Shabaab ISIS-affiliated Islamic insurgents continue to wreak terror, now causing the total number of internally displaced people (IDPs) in the country to rise by 80,000, International Christian Concern (ICC…

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Church in Afghanistan is growing amid harsh conditions

The house church movement in Afghanistan is slowly growing, despite a surrounding environment of brutal tribalism and Islamic extremist violence that forces evangelism and worship to be carried out in secret, Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) reports.

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DRC: 17 Christians murdered by Islamic State-affiliated terrorists

Seventeen Christians were murdered in the Democratic Republic of Congo in a spate of recent targeted attacks by Islamic terrorists, Christian Today reports. Although Christians make up 95% of the population in DRC, the rebel Islamic State-affiliated Al…

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