Over 15 Rockets Fired into Israel; Israel Threatens to Re-Take Gaza

Code Red Rocket alert sirens sounded throughout Sunday night into Monday morning as at least 15 rockets fired from the Gaza Strip exploded in Israel.

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Security Cameras Record Alleged Pin-Pointed Israel Assassination of Terrorists (Video)

Security cameras appear to have captured a pin-pointed Israel Air Force (IAF) assassination of two senior members of a terrorist organization.

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Israel Retailates After Rockets Fired from Gaza

Last night, four rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip into Israel, two of which were intercepted by the Iron Dome anti-missile system. Israel retaliated destroying five concealed rocket launchers in northern Gaza, one terror activity site in central Gaza and a weapon manufacturing site in southern Gaza.

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Israel Strikes Military Targets in Syria

The Israeli Air Force (IAF) struck nine army positions in Syria, including a regional command center, after a 15-year-old Israeli Arab was killed earlier on Sunday.

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Israel Retailates After Rockets Fired from Gaza

Israel Air Forces (IAF) attacked a number of terror related targets last night after rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip for the third time this week.

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