Kerry to attend Mideast peace conference in Paris

Secretary of State John Kerry will attend a Middle East peace conference in Paris on Sunday, in a move likely to dismay an already angry Israel.

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Kerry Held Secret Meetings with PA Authority over UN Resolution

In mid-December 2016, a Palestinian Authority (PA) delegation met in Washington with officials from the outgoing Obama administration for secret talks. On December 27, the Egyptian daily Al-Youm Al-Sabi’, which is close to Egyptian intelligence services, published an exposé of the minutes of the secret talks.

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Kerry to outline US assurances to Israel, Gulf to lawmakers

Secretary of State John Kerry will send a letter to all members of Congress on Wednesday outlining US security commitments to Israel and the Gulf Arab states in light of the Iran nuclear deal.

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John Kerry: Obama Might Not Follow Law if Congress Blocks Iran Deal

Testifying before Congress this morning, Secretary of State John Kerry refused to pledge to follow the law in the event that Congress rejects the deal he negotiated with Iran.

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Obama’s U.N. plan backfires on Congress

President Obama’s attempt to outmaneuver Congress and win quick United Nations approval for the Iran nuclear agreement is backfiring on him in Congress, and could further erode support among key players.

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Kerry: Iran talks extended, ‘some tough issues remain unresolved’

The negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program will continue past the latest July 9 deadline, US Secretary of State John Kerry said from the talks in Vienna on Thursday evening.

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