Jordan, Saudi Arabia support efforts to prevent a nuclear Iran

Jordan and Saudi Arabia announced on Wednesday that they support international efforts aimed at preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

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Chemical Plant Burns In Ukraine As Briton Dies In Fierce Fighting

Residents in a strategic city of eastern Ukraine faced additional dangers Sunday after the Russian military caused a massive fire at a chemical plant and a British fighter died there, officials said.

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US Congress pushing for regional defense pact between Israel, Arab states

A group of bipartisan US lawmakers from both houses of Congress introduced legislation on Thursday aimed at integrating the air defense systems of Israel and neighboring Arab states.

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Judge rules against Jews who prayed at Temple Mount, accepting state’s appeal

The Jerusalem District Court on Wednesday ruled against four Jewish teens who prayed on the Temple Mount, reversing a lower court decision, which Palestinians and Jordan claimed had legitimized the violation of the status quo at the flashpoint site.

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Israel Shooting Down Palestinian Rocket As Tensions Mount

Israeli fighter jets carried out airstrikes in the southern Gaza Strip, targeting a “weapons manufacturing site” for Hamas, the Israeli military said.

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Israel Downs Gaza Rocket, Admonishes Jordan as Jerusalem Tensions Simmer

Israel shot down a rocket launched from the Gaza Strip on Monday, the Israeli military said, the first such attack in months as tensions in Jerusalem drew angry pro-Palestinian rhetoric from Jordan and US mediation efforts.

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