Israel: Opposition leader Lapid rejects Netanyahu’s call to negotiate on controversial judicial reform bills

Amid heated public and parliamentary controversy over the Israeli government’s plans for judicial reform, opposition leader Yair Lapid on Tuesday rejected an offer by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to negotiate the issue without preconditions, Jewish News Syndicate (JNS) reports.

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Outgoing Coalition Members Craft ‘Total War’ Plan to Create Chaos for Netanyahu Government

Outgoing Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid on Friday berated the “insane” government being formed by a “weak” Benjamin Netanyahu. Meanwhile, according to a report in the newspaper Maariv, two members of the departing coalition are creating a “Total War…

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Lapid calls on Israelis to protest against Netanyahu’s incoming far-right coalition government

Israel’s outgoing Prime Minister and leader of the Yesh Atid party Yair Lapid has called on Israelis to join this weekend’s organized rallies in protest against incoming Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing coalition government, i24 News repo…

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Final polls before Nov. 1 elections show Netanyahu’s bloc just shy of parliamentary majority

Three separate final polls prior to Israel’s Nov. 1 elections showed opposition leader and Likud Party head Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing/religious bloc standing one seat shy of a parliamentary majority.

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Israel’s PM Against Jewish Prayer At Temple Mount, Arabs Welcome

Israel’s Prime Minister Yair Lapid has pledged to continue “Muslim rights on the Temple Mount” while he prohibits Jews from praying there and supports a Palestinian state.

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Security cabinet votes to advance Lebanon maritime border deal

Israel’s security cabinet voted Wednesday to move to the final stage of the approval process for the maritime border agreement with Lebanon.

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