Brazilian Evangelicals Are Split on Lausanne’s Legacy

For years, integral mission—a theological vision that saw evangelism and social justice as inseparable components of Christian life, or as “two wings of an airplane,” as Ecuadorian theologian René Padilla once wrote—has been a legacy of the Lausanne Movement in Brazil. The concept was developed in the 1970s by members of the Latin American Theological Read more…

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How Colombia’s Most Popular Christian Artist Landed in Houston

Colombian cyclists often refer to themselves as escarabajos or “beetles,” drawing a comparison between the journeys of the small bugs across their varied terrain with those of bicyclists pedaling up and down their country’s mountainsides. For one of Latin America’s most popular Christian artists—a self-proclaimed escarabajo—a grueling ride can help generate a new song. “There Read more…

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Nicaragua Taxes Tithes After Closing 1,500 Churches and Nonprofits

A series of policies recently enacted by the Nicaraguan government will significantly impact the activities of churches and ministries operating in the country. Viewed by religious freedom specialists as an effort to increase the state’s control over religious institutions, the measures impose taxes on tithes and offerings while mandating that organizations create formal partnerships with Read more…

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Drug Trafficking in Latin America Leads to Humanitarian Crisis

The rise of drug trafficking in Latin America has been neglected for so long, that it’s creating an ‘epic humanitarian crisis’ on the border, creating a direct threat to national security, and threatens to destabilize the entire region, a Congressman said on Tuesday.

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