Russian Supreme Court Bans ‘LGBT Movement’ and Labels Activism as ‘Extremist’

The Russian Supreme Court, in a lawsuit with no defendants, has ruled in favor of designating the “international LGBT social movement” as extremist.

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US Court Says It Has No Jurisdiction to Decide Lawsuit of Congregations Wanting to Leave United Methodist Church

A US county court has ruled it has no jurisdiction to determine whether the United Methodist Church acted unfairly toward congregations in Alabama and Florida who are trying to leave the denomination because of disagreements on LGBT issues, the Christian Post reports.

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Knesset shoots down opposition bill to enable adoption for same sex couples

The Knesset rejected on Wednesday an opposition lawmaker’s bill that sought to officially enable same-sex couples and single people to adopt children.

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Malta: Formerly gay Christian man faces jail accused of promoting ‘conversion therapy’

In the first criminal case of its kind, a formerly gay Christian man in Malta is facing trial and a possible prison sentence for allegedly promoting ‘conversion therapy’ that helps people dealing with unwanted same-sex attraction, the Christian Post (C…

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Church of England publishes draft prayer of blessing for same-sex marriages

The Church of England has published draft prayers for God’s blessing for same-sex couples, the denomination said in a press release last week. The move follows the Church of England’s recently announced plans to continue the prohibition of marriage cer…

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As fears for LGBTQ+ rights mount, Israel may appoint first-ever openly gay Knesset speaker

As Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu continues to dole out jobs to fellow lawmakers from his conservative Likud party ahead of the establishment of the new government, it seems increasingly likely that Amir Ohana will be named the next speake…

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